
I made the Alameda skirt and the Aime comme moelleux top from Aime comme Marie in neoprene fabric! This fabric is amazing: I want to make so many neoprene things now.
This beautiful fabric comes from Supercut, an italian online fabric shop run by the sweet Marine. The plaid neoprene is fused with jersey which makes it soft and warm (oups, it’s out of stock now, but if you ask Marine, I’m sure she’ll let you know if she’ll receive more).
I wanted to make the Alameda skirt with this fabric as I knew the flounce would hold its shape and look very… well flouncy. And it does, every time I move, the skirt hem dances.
I made it a size smaller to allow for the fabric stretch and used a stretch needle.
My favourite thing about neoprene is that it’s perfect if you don’t have a serger and very little time to finish nicely your seam allowances. To keep mine from being too bulky, I just edgestitched them. For the skirt hem, I just turned it in and edgestitched. I’m in love with neoprene, it’s so easy to sew and cozy!
As for pressing, I wasn’t sure about the right side of fabric so I just pressed lightly on the jersey side (and because it doesn’t crease, it’s great for packing in your suitcase).
I chose to make the Aime comme moelleux top with what I had left of the fabric. In total I had 2 m of fabric and was able to make these two pieces. The top is very easy to make, I shortened it considerably and didn’t make the cuffs. And as contrasting fabric for the shoulder yokes, I used leather.
I love the contrast between the short and boxy top and the fitted skirt with its flounce.
Best part: I made an elastic waistband for the skirt. As the fabric has a little bit of stretch, I didn’t add the back zipper and I’m able to pull it on without any problem. As the Christmas dinner was huge, I was thankful for my elastic waistband, so comfy!I love wearing the two pieces together, and I think they’ll also get useful for pairing with simple items (top and jeans or skirt and jersey).
What about you? Did you succomb to the two-pieces trend? Or the neoprene one?
Happy New Year 2015! I wish the best for this new year: happiness, health and lots of sewing of course!I’m finishing preparing the Quart coat tutorial which should be ready for next week, but in the meantime, let me show you my last make of 2014. This is what I wore on Christmas eve and it was so comfortable that I ended up wearing it again the following week end.
This beautiful fabric comes from Supercut, an italian online fabric shop run by the sweet Marine. The plaid neoprene is fused with jersey which makes it soft and warm (oups, it’s out of stock now, but if you ask Marine, I’m sure she’ll let you know if she’ll receive more).
I made it a size smaller to allow for the fabric stretch and used a stretch needle.
My favourite thing about neoprene is that it’s perfect if you don’t have a serger and very little time to finish nicely your seam allowances. To keep mine from being too bulky, I just edgestitched them. For the skirt hem, I just turned it in and edgestitched. I’m in love with neoprene, it’s so easy to sew and cozy!
As for pressing, I wasn’t sure about the right side of fabric so I just pressed lightly on the jersey side (and because it doesn’t crease, it’s great for packing in your suitcase).
I love the contrast between the short and boxy top and the fitted skirt with its flounce.
What about you? Did you succomb to the two-pieces trend? Or the neoprene one?
Bonne année à toi Pauline! le Néoprène lui va très très bien à cette jupe, j'aime beaucoup le tombé et j'imagine très bien le confort pour avoir plusieurs robes en Néoprène.
En effet, c'est super confortable! J'ai déjà acheté un autre coupon, plus fin cette fois, pour une robe ou une jupe.
So cute! I haven't sewn with neoprene yet but I'd like to give it a go.
You should, it's so easy to sew and nice to wear!
That fabric looks amazing and the outfit is very cute. Happy new year!
Thanks Manju! Happy new year to you too!
Muy chulo el conjunto, es verdad que el neopreno es súper cómodo y calentito! Estás guapísima como siempre.
Cris de Cosas de Butterflies
¡Gracias Cris!
Ton ensemble est magnifique! J'a-do-re! Et non, j'ai jamais essayé le néoprène. Dernièrement je suis folle des midi jupes structurées, donc il est peut-être temps de s'y mettre?
Ah Inna, j'adore les jupes longueurs midi moi aussi (je pense faire une copie de la fameuse jupe Tibi!). Je pense que le neoprene te plaira!
Lorsque tu avais publié une photo de cet ensemble sur Instagram ce fut automatiquement un coup de coeur et j'avais bien hate de le voir sur ton blog! Vraiment magnifique avec ce choix de tissu 🙂
Passe une très belle année!!
Merci Maude! Très bonne année à toi aussi!
It Is simply gorgeous! I bought some neoprene a while ago from Marine but I am yet to find the time to cut into it – hope it turns out at least half as great as yours! Have a Happy new year! xo
Knowing you Sasha, it will be an amazing outfit! You're the queen of high fashion! Happy new year!
Hola Pauline,
me encanta la combinación y con esa tela queda estupendamente.
¡Gracias Silvia!
Ciao Pauline, je suis bluffée par le rendu du tissu! Non seulement le choix des patrons est parfait pour le tombé si particulier du néopène, mais surtout il te va vraiment à ravir!
Merci!!! et surtout… Buon anno e tanti auguri!!!
Merci Marine! Et surtout merci de nous proposer de si beaux tissus! J'ai hâte de coudre celui des pelicans 😉
C'est tvraiment joli, c'est 2 patrons font vraiment la paire. Bravo!
Feliz Año!! Te ha quedado muy bonito el conjunto. Aun no he cosido nada de ese tejido. Y además es que creo que en mi ciudad ni lo han traído. Seguro que es agradable el coserlo y como no se deshilacha pues mejor que mejor.
Un besote
Gracias Marta! He visto algo de neopreno en Julián López, no se si hay uno en tu ciudad, pero sino en internet hay muchos, con estampados super chulos.
This is super adorable! I love the elastic waistband – it's always nice to have a bit of give when you know a big dinner is ahead of you 🙂
Thanks Alice! The elastic waistband was well-thought if I say so myself 😉
Both of them are amazing! Love your two-pieces dress. I’ve never sewed neoprene but it seems really simple to handle and sew according to your post. I think I’ll try it very soon 🙂
Thanks! Yes, it's like sewing jersey (ponte type), no need to finish the raw edges!
i can only assume it's out of stock due to the mad rush to buy it once you hit publish! what an insanely great ensemble!
Thanks Marcy! I wish it was my hitting the publish button, but I'm afraid it's because I ordered this amazing fabric months ago…
Precioso conjunto Pauline. Al top ya le tenía echado el ojo, me gusta mucho. Y esa versión con ese estampado resulta de lo más "resultón". Un beso!